How to contribute to pylambdarest

Thank you for considering contributing to pylambdarest!

First time setup

  • Make sure you have a GitHub account.
  • Fork pylambdarest to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button.
  • Install poetry.
  • Install dependecies using poetry:
poetry install
  • Install the pre-commit hooks:
poetry run pre-commit install --install-hooks
  • Run the tests to make sure you are all set:
poetry run coverage run -m --source=pylambdarest pytest tests && poetry run coverage report -m

Building the docs

Build the docs in the docs directory using Sphinx:

cd docs
poetry run make html

Open build/html/index.html in your browser to view the docs.

Read more about Sphinx.

Submitting patches

Include the following in your patch:

  • Use Black to format your code. This and other tools will run automatically if you install pre-commit using the instructions above.
  • Include tests if your patch adds or changes code. Make sure the test fails without your patch.
  • Update the documentation accordingly if needed.